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Spring 2025 Season

Spring 2025 Season



  • $30 Register in SportsEngine

  • Feb 22, 2205



  • February 27 to June 7, 2025

  • About 120 hours (Skill development, Games, Tape Reviews)



  • 3 hours each day on Thursdays and Fridays from 5:30pm to 8:30pm

  • 3 hours on Saturday when there are no games from 10:00am to 1:00pm

  • Locations:

    • Outdoors (Miller Middle, Foothill Elementary)

    • Indoors (Moreland, Miller Middle, Lincoln High, Westmont high)



  • 14 to 20 Games (Travel of 1-hour or less)

  • Memorial day Tournament in Reno

  • Saturdays from Sat Mar 29, 2025 (2 games each week)

  • All games are videotaped for study

  • Tape reviews on Tuesdays following Games from 6:00pm to 7:30pm



  • Spring break from April 14 to April 20, 2025



  • $2,200.00 - Tournament Team

  • $1,800.00 - Practice only

  • $400.00 - Uniform and Swag Gear

    • Reversible Uniform

    • Backpack

    • hoodie, t shirts and socks  

Why Should You Choose Coach Mack and Next Level Athletes Born2Ball Over all other Programs

Coach Mack: Elevating Basketball Talent to Unprecedented Heights

Dear Basketball Enthusiasts and Supporters,

In the realm of sports, there are those who coach players in fundamental skills, and then there is Coach Mack—a dedicated and unparalleled force in honing advanced basketball skills. At Next Level Athletes Born2Ball, Coach Mack has made a remarkable impact, serving as a vital bridge for talented young athletes aspiring to reach the pinnacle of their potential.

**The Architect of Advanced Skills**

Coach Mack is not just any coach; he specializes in the meticulous development of advanced skills for basketball enthusiasts who are ready to take their game beyond the fundamentals. His training goes far beyond layups and basic drills, diving deep into the intricacies of the game that shape well-rounded, strategic, and highly competitive players.

**A Proven Pathway to Excellence**

Many players come to Coach Mack when their current skill level isn’t enough to secure a spot on high-level teams like Top Flight. Through his expert guidance and strategic mentorship, athletes who train under him develop superior skills, elevate their game, and routinely surpass their peers, even those initially considered ahead of them.

**Graduating Champions**

What distinguishes Coach Mack is his commitment to pushing athletes to surpass barriers and become not just competitive, but exceptional. It’s no surprise that many players coached by him find themselves excelling and outperforming on teams they previously couldn’t qualify for. The impressive development often leads these athletes to leave, having gained spots on Top Flight teams over peers once considered beyond their reach.

While it's bittersweet to see these players move on, each departure is a testament to Coach Mack’s transformative effect. His mentorship goes beyond temporary wins; it permanently elevates players' capabilities, readying them for ongoing success at higher levels.

**Why Coach Mack is Essential**

- **Tailored Training**: Personalized programs that identify and maximize each player's unique strengths, allowing them to outshine the competition.

**Tactical Game Understanding**: Emphasis on higher-level plays, defensive tactics, and offensive strategies that prepare athletes for top-tier competitions.

 **Mentorship and Motivation**: Instilling not just skills, but a winning attitude and confidence that encourage players to aim higher and achieve more.

At Coach Mack's sessions, athletes become champions—not just in records, but in resilience and readiness to face any basketball challenge. By nurturing skills and reinforcing determination, he molds individuals who excel in basketball and carry those skills into all areas of life.

Supporting Coach Mack means investing in an ecosystem where budding talents transform into formidable athletes prepared to eclipse the competition with skill and sportsmanship.

Let’s get behind Coach Mack and the visionary excellence of Next Level Athletes Born2Ball. Together, we’re building not just players, but powerful, skilled, and empowered individuals who leave a mark on every court they play.

Warm regards,


Coach Mack: Performance Coach, Higher Inc. (NBA & NFL Division)** Coach Mack is committed to "Principle over Profit," focusing on building confidence and self-esteem through sports and athletic achievement.

At THEHIGHER.NET, he utilizes a neuroscience-based emotional intelligence (EQ) platform—tested and validated by universities—to deliver analytics that bring out the best in individuals and enhance workplace performance.

In addition to his role at Higher, Coach Mack Founded Next Level Athletes Born2Ball, a basketball skills development program empowering young athletes & is The Head Varsity Men's Basketball Coach at Word of Life Christian Academy.   

Prior to launching his 501(c)(3) organization in 2014, he was a Subject Matter Expert with the Department of Defense, overseeing business finance for recruitment and retention within the NGB-ASM Army Strength Maintenance Division from 2006 to 2012.

A premier coach in functional skill development for both amateur and pro athletes, Coach Mack has developed a tailored methodology that supports athletes in achieving personal and team success.  As a Performance Coach at Higher, he brings this expertise to elevate leadership and team potential across the NBA and NFL sectors.  As a Head Coach in NLA B2B and at WLCA he combines all of his knowledge and expertise to lead young men and women to their next level in sports and life.  Coach Mack's Training is designed to ensure your athlete is highly successful on and off the court.  No other program can match our skill development for your athlete.



When registering for AAU membership, please use the follow Club Code: W3A88C.