Next Level Athletes Born2Ball (NLA B2B) is a Nonprofit organization that is certified, licensed and insured as a professional sports training organization. We focus on training collegiate, amateur and youth athletes. Trainings are orchestrated to fit the need of the athlete. Athletes are coached trained and evaluated by professional basketball coaches.
NLA B2B Basketball Academy is a trusted partner with San Jose Parks and Recreation, Hillbrook School in Los Gatos and is affiliated with Phenom America Basketball 5 Star National Camp, the Jr. National Basketball Association (Jr. NBA), The Jr. Women's national Basketball Association (Jr. WNBA), the Amateur Athletic Union (AAU), National Federation of State High School Associations (NFHS) and USA Basketball Gold Certified
We are the premier innovator in youth basketball skill development and training. NLA B2B's unique and distinctive drills, techniques and tools advance the students, knowledge, understanding, skills and abilities at an amazing rate.
The only program in the area with a mobile rebounding gun. We use our rebounding machine at almost all our practices and trainings both indoor and outdoor. Our rebounding, shooting machine helps to develop proper shooting trajectory as coach Mack develops the student's proper shooting form.
Coach Mack is an expert ball handler and instructor of ball handling. He uses techniques that vary from using tennis balls, smaller balls, two or three regular balls and medicine balls all in combination with proper footwork and visionary clues to properly enhance the students ball handling skills and sight simultaneously.
We incorporate a specialized program and rating system that gauges each student's skill level. Like a Martial Arts program without the belts, NLA B2B is a commitment to your child's development.
Joining our Program is an investment in your child future and success. In my opinion the most important thing to invest in, is your children. They acquire so many valuable life skills and learn so many valuable lessons from basketball. These positive team building experiences will impact their life for the rest of their life.
What we offer your child is unmatched anywhere, and the proof is in the results. We have literally seen these children grow, progress and pass students who were much further ahead when we began.
Our students that are headed into high school will benefit greatly with 4 more years of our program and will collectively dominate at their high school because of it.
There is a plan in place for the future of your children within basketball and mainly NLA B2B if you invest in it. I can lead and show you the way because I've been through it.
Next Level Athletes Born2Ball (NLA B2B)
– Mission -
Change the world one kid at a time as the premier innovator in Basketball skill development and training. A Nonprofit organization with certified, licensed and insured sports training professionals supporting the play 60 movement and slam dunking obesity, while becoming the largest basketball training and development academy.
The second part of our mission is to develop the youth in a fun and innovative way. Enhance the confidence level of each child both on and off the court. Teach that no one person is greater than the team.
Major focus is placed on teaching the fundamentals of the game, teamwork and to work on improving their weaknesses while getting the most out of their strengths.
We build children's individual skills while simultaneously working together to become a cohesive unit and strengthen the spirit of the program.
Our training is tailored to develop the individual skills of amateur athletes with 98% of our students advancing as "Next Level Athletes Born2Ball" in their school's program.
Our Vision is to be the premier amateur sports training provider taking every Born2Ball Athlete to the Next Level. Next Level Athletes Born2Ball where Ballers Go to Get Better
When registering for AAU membership, please use the follow Club Code: W3A88C.
Jessica Cruising past the defender for an easy layup
Coach Mack with Jlawbball
Why should you choose NLA B2B vs your other Options as your Childs choice to Learn Basketball?
The YMCA, NJB, Cupertino Hoops, these are 1-star programs. Los Gatos Rec, these programs offer a consistent place to play, equal opportunity and are typically coached by an interested parent.
San Jose Spartans, Hoop Right, West Valley Drive, we consider these 2-to-3-star programs. They offer a well-known place to play, parents are used to them, and most parents don't know there is a better option. These organizations charge around $1200.00 for their program, they compete in about 5 tournaments a season, they don’t have any former NBA Players for coaches or mentors, they don’t have any former D1 or D2 basketball players that are on their staff, directing their program, and or working with the kid's skill development. They do have tryouts and typically play the best players.
Mitty's Tar Heels Program is. 4-to-5-star program depending on the coach they provide.
Next Level Athletes Born2Ball A 5-Star Program: We are the Leading Innovator in Youth Skill Development. Our students are developing their Mental, Emotional, and Physical Skills in order to compete at the highest level in both life and sports particularly Basketball. NLA B2B Offers 12 tournaments a season 20 to 30 games. Our competition offers 10 games. Our Coaches and trainers are taught by actual D1 Coaches, former NBA Players and NBA Trainers.
Next Statistics that Matter:
Next Level Athletes Born2Ball Pours Love, Commitment, Experience and Knowledge into our community of students from all backgrounds to help Influence the melting pot of children away from racism, hate, negativity, doubt and fear.
Through Proper repetitious training and encouragement our students are pushed to be extremely focused, and goal oriented to create the success they desire. We accept everyone in our program and teach basketball to students where they are. We compete to win, and we are highly successful.
We can't wait to have you join. Register Now. If basketball is what you desire for your child. NLA B2B is the best place for you.
Reasons to Join:
In Conclusion.
Our Price is less than theirs once you add the same amount of time and tournaments. We Actually teach your child how to maximize their abilities and potential to be successful at basketball. We have a network of college connections to facilitate college opportunities if college basketball is your goal. We send students to the Phenom Nike 5-star camp to get recognition and clarity as to where they are in their journey vs the best in the world. Joining our program is an undeniable positive investment in your child’s future!
Born 2 Ball Summer to Hall AAU Program Is registering new students:
Season Details:
Lets Have a Great Season and Our Coaching Staff Can't wait to Meet You.
Register Below By Clicking the Blue Link